Unblock (بُلاک لاگ • جٲری بُلاک • عالمی بُلاک • شِرکٔژ • مِٹٲومِت شِرکٔژ • فِلٹَر لاگ • تَخلیٖق لاگ • بُلاک طرٕز بَدلٲوِو • بُلاک ہَٹٲوِو • چَک یوضَر (لاگ))
عَرٕضی وَضاحَت:
- کیٚنٛہہ حالاتَن مَنٛز، چھُ نہٕ رُکُن بُلاک آسَن، یا چھُ بُلاک وَت مۄکلیومُت آسَن. مَہرنٲنی کٔرِتھ وُچھِو جأری بُلاکَن ۂنز فِہرِست.
If you ask the blocking administrator to comment on this request, replace this template with the following, replacing "blocking administrator" with the name of the blocking admin:
{{Unblock on hold |1=blocking administrator |2=original unblock reason |3 = ~~~~}}
If you decline the unblock request, replace this template with the following code, substituting {{subst:Decline reason here}}
with a specific rationale. Leaving the decline reason unchanged will result in display of a default reason, explaining why the request was declined.
{{unblock reviewed |1=original unblock reason |decline = {{subst:Decline reason here}} ~~~~}}
If you accept the unblock request, replace this template with the following, substituting Accept reason here
with your rationale:
{{unblock reviewed |1=original unblock reason |accept = accept reason here ~~~~}}