Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition has ended. We thank you for organizing it on your local Wikipedia and help in document folk cultures and women in folklore in different regions of the world on Wikipedia. What's next?
Please complete the jury on or before 15th of May 2023.
Email us on support@wikilovesfolklore.org the Wiki usernames of top three users with most accepted articles in local contest.
Write the information about the winners on the projects Meta Wiki Results page
You can also put the names of the winners on your local project page.
We will be contacting the winners in phased manner for distribution of prizes.
Feel free to contact us via mail or talkpage if you need any help, clarification or assistance.
In 2023 you joined us as a medical translator. Thank you from Wiki Project Med for helping bring free, complete, accurate, up-to-date health information to the public. We really appreciate you and the vital work you do! Wiki Project Med Foundation is a thematic organization whose mission is to improve our health content. Consider joining here, there are no associated costs and we look forwards to working together in 2024.